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Seasonal Maintenance

Taking Care of your Rental Property

Interior Maintenance:




  • Clean or replace the air filter each month.  All tenants are responsible for cleaning or replacing the furnace filters.  Problems caused by failure to clean/replace the filter will be the tenant’s responsibility.

  • Set the thermostat to an appropriate heat level for winter (never below 55 degrees F) and cool level for summer.

  • Inspect all supply and return vents for cleanliness and obstructions.




  • When not using the fireplace, ensure that the damper is in good operating condition and closed.

  • Inspect the flue and chimney and ensure it is unobstructed.  Periodic inspection and cleaning are strongly recommended.


Exterior Maintenance:


  • Maintain the lawn and shrubs surrounding your unit.  Remove leaves and branches in the fall.

  • Keep downspouts clear of debris and report any downspout or gutter issues immediately to avoid flooding.

  • Winterize faucets and outlets by wrapping with an insulating material to keep from freezing/cracking.

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